cock-and-bull story

[kok-uh n-boo l] /ˈkɒk ənˈbʊl/
an absurd, improbable story presented as the truth:
Don't ask him about his ancestry unless you want to hear a cock-and-bull story.
1600-10; probably with orig. reference to some fable in which a cock and bull figure
British Dictionary definitions for cock and bull story

cock-and-bull story

(informal) an obviously improbable story, esp a boastful one or one used as an excuse
cock and bull story in Culture

cock-and-bull story definition

A story that is false: “When John came home at 3:30 a.m., he gave his mother some cock-and-bull story about having a flat tire on the way home.”

Slang definitions & phrases for cock and bull story

cock-and-bull story

noun phrase

An improbable account, often an alibi; a mendacious farrago: He gives me this cock-and-bull story about six flat tires

[1620+; origin uncertain; the French term ''cock and donkey'' is analogous]

Idioms and Phrases with cock and bull story

cock and bull story

An unbelievable tale that is intended to deceive; a tall tale. For example, Jack told us some cock and bull story about getting lost. This expression may come from a folk tale involving these two animals, or from the name of an English inn where travelers told such tales. W.S. Gilbert used it in The Yeomen of the Guard (1888), where Jack Point and Wilfred the Jailer make up a story about the hero's fictitious death: “Tell a tale of cock and bull, Of convincing detail full.” [ c. 1600 ]